"Less is more when it comes to productive hours at work"

Sleep is important to productivity

An article in the Sydney Morining Herald in November 2017 sums up well the importance of good sleep. In the article, the BHP CEO, Andrew McKenzie, explains that working when not well rested is less efficient and less productive. He states, "A rested Andrew can do more in four hours than a tired Andrew can do in eight". He then adds, "It's not only diminishing returns, [not being rested] is like a scorpion's tail; it can undo things,".


The importance of adequate sleep hours and good sleep quality is consistent with sleep research on the importance of sleep for productivity in the workplace. These are important messages for everyone to be aware of and for key influencers, such as Senior Executives, to reinforce and propogate in their organisations.


"A recent study by Deloitte Access Economics found 39.8 per cent of Australians did not get enough sleep and that sleep deprivation cost the economy an estimated $66.3 billion in health bills, lost productivity and wellbeing in 2016-17. Lost productivity included "presenteeism", where workers were present at work but too tired to be productive."


Good sleep involves adequate sleep hours (often more than you think) and the treatment of any sleep disorders that may be fragmenting sleep. There are many sleep disorders that can fragment and limit sleep and these are discussed elsewhere in our website in the section on "Sleep Disorders". Many sleep disorders are unrecognised or unaddressed by patients and it is important to discuss possible symptoms of these conditions with your doctor to receive help sooner, rather than later. Important clinical clues to a sleep disorder include daytime fatigue, poor concentration, poor attention, daytime sleepiness, and night time symptoms of snoring, gasping in sleep or repeated awakenings overnight.

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